Mike Kines
Mike Kines Podcast
Christ died for the ungodly

Christ died for the ungodly

Podcast for October 1, 2024

Romans 5:6, "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly."

When I was out there living in sin and completely ignoring God God reached out to me, came and found me, and saved me. I was ungodly, I was in sin, I was throwing my life away. But God intervened. Jesus died for me on the cross. The Holy Spirit came and got me, showed the truth in Jesus, and set me free.

Greater love has no man than this, that a man would lay down his life for his friends. Jesus showed toward me a greater than love even than this. I was his enemy, and he died for me. I am forever grateful for what Jesus did for me. John 15:13.

Heavenly Father, I still remember where I was at when you came after me. I remember how my life was caked with sin, iniquity, and filth. I was a dead man walking around in my sins. I had no strength to live. Yet Jesus came into this world and died for me on the cross. He took my place and bore the punishment of my sins. He saved me, and raised me up out of the pit of hell, and brought me into his kingdom. Thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus. Amen.

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Mike Kines
Mike Kines Podcast
Promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bible reading, comments, devotions, and words of encouragement.
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Mike Kines