Mike Kines
Mike Kines Podcast
The Fear of the Lord - (9/25)

The Fear of the Lord - (9/25)

Podcast for September 25, 2024

Job 28:28, "And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the LORD, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding."

Wisdom and the fear of the Lord are tied together. True wisdom will produce a reverence for God, for his word, and a desire to obey the Lord. True wisdom comes from having this deep, reverential respect and awe of the presence of God.

People who speak foolish words show they do not have a reverence or fear of God, therefore they do not have true wisdom. Go from the presence of a foolish man when you perceive he does not have wisdom. Proverbs 14:7; Ephesians 5:3-4; Proverbs 13:20.

Lord, help me to recognize people who do not have your wisdom and to avoid them. Lord, instill within me the fear of the LORD. The fear of the Lord is wisdom, amen. To depart from evil is understanding. Help me to stay close to godly wisdom and the fear of the Lord. Help me to recognize people who do not have the fear of God, so that I will not fellowship with them. In Jesus name. Amen.


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Mike Kines
Mike Kines Podcast
Promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bible reading, comments, devotions, and words of encouragement.